Wednesday, July 27, 2005


to all you education customers out there...

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Funny Skit

Go check out this little movie if you get a chance. Funny Stuff.
(Yes, Morgan, it IS a quicktime movie)


Break In!!

So, last night someone broke into my car while it was parked in the parking lot behind my house. There was nothing of any value to steal, so I don't think anything is missing. Possibly a hand tool/poket knife thing that I bought for $10 about 5 years ago. (I'm not all that sad to see it go to tell you the truth)

There was a crazy old cell phone that my parents gave me for emergencies in the center compartment, and the vandal found it, opened the case and looked at it, then chucked it onto the passenger side floor. Apparently it wasn't good enough for our heroic hoodlum.

My iPod power adapter was uncovered as well, and was also left on the seat.

Also, I had the RSVP for O'sama's wedding shin-dig sitting in there - I didn't bother mailing it because I just decided to call Hanni's mother instead. The little bastard opened that up too though, looking for money I guess.

All in all, it was a pretty unsuccessful trip for the robber. I have a big mess to clean up now though - this wasn't a very tidy robbery.

I think the only thing I'm worried about is if this person decides they want to commit a real crime with the knife they took from me....

Morgan always tells me to lock my doors, and I never do, so I guess I was asking for this to happen.


Turns out my theif did get away with some cash - about $7 in change that was on the dash. Oh well. Also, I forgot about case of beer that was in the trunk, but the crook didn't look in there, so I still have my beer!

Monday, July 25, 2005


More on Cars

Autoblog has just done a podcast about some of the stuff we've been talking about here lately.

A couple issues that I'm really glad they address:
Why am I so pumped on Diesels?
Look for more diesel action to show up in NA soon.

Friday, July 22, 2005


(North) American Pride

Here's a great post on Autoblog to get us going, on the topic of "What the hell is Ford going to do with Mercury?"

Right now Mercury is not anything in particular, and a bunch of things all at once - not nearly fancy enough to be a Lincoln, not nearly cheap enough (both with regards to cost and quality) to be a run of the mill Ford.

Recently I was discussing the plight of the "Big Three" with a good friend, and I found myself saying something I've been thinking for a long time now and had almost forgotten that I'm really the only person I know who's talking like this, so I want to get the word out.

For a long time now (I don't know the exact time frame, but since about the early-mid 1980's or so) the big three American car makers have been chasing their tail, trying to 'deal with' the problem of imports - specifically the small, cheap, fuel efficient, and wildly popular Asian imports. So much so, that pretty much everything they make now (with the exception of the full-size truck segment) is, for the most part, a Honda Civic or Accord/Toyota Corolla or Camry knock off.

Which seems ridiculous to me.

Even such sacred name plates as the Malibu, Mustang, Monte Carlo, Impala, Town Car, and Crown Victoria have at times felt the bite of their Eastern counterparts in their design at one time or another.

Here's where I think things are going wrong. (ignoring the other reasons why people buy cars of course, including service, friendly staff, rewarding incentives, etc)

Why have the recent 'heritage'/'retro' styled vehicles been so popular? (I am referring to the Chrysler 300/Dodge Magnum, and the new Mustang, in particular, but also will include the on-preorder Dodge Charger remake) Because they're REAL american sedans. They are (for the most part) styled like an American car, instead of like an American car trying to look as much like a Japanese car as possible. They look a little muscle-y, even if the base models really aren't. They ship with decent engines if you're willing to pay for it. They are REAR-WHEEL-DRIVE, and that makes them feel like an American car as well.

So, to keep this short (I could probably harp on this all day) I'll boil this down to a few distinct messages for Detroit (And Dearborn, and Auburn Hills) to pay attention to:

  1. Quit being so cheap. Make the cars solid, with real interior materials that feel good and don't break every time you touch them or disintegrate into nothingness after just 5 years in the sun. People respect that and are willing to pay for it (click here if you need proof)
  2. Quit being so arrogant. Get your prices under control. You're not worth that much. Unless you head advice item #1. If you start building cars again, you can start charging money for them again, until then, we want to pay for what we actually get, not a nameplate.
  3. Don't try to be Honda/Toyota.
    Forget about the Camry/Corolla/Civic/Accord market. It's gone. It never existed until the Asian makers started shipping cars here, and it belongs to them - you don't need to own that market to feel good about yourselves as companies. Stick to your OWN core values, and make the cars you know how to make better than anyone in the world.
  4. Don't try to be BMW/Volvo/Mercedes.
    They make fancy, technologically advanced vehicles and spend a TON of money on R&D - they build high quality and high volume, make high margin, and they have the user base to support it. You don't. Population density alone should explain that for you. They also have good roads. you don't.
  5. I don't want to drive a spaceship and I don't think anyone else does either.
I might have more to add to this later.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Monday, July 18, 2005


iPod Returns

After about a week apart, my iPod and I have been reunited. Well, actually it's a completely different iPod, but it feels great to have one again so I will ignore that.

Tally a point for Apple's support department! One happy customer here.
I got the ball rolling with the online support request form last Monday morning, and by Friday they were trying to deliver me a new iPod. I left my wallet at work, so I couldn't come pick it up until today. In 4 days they sent me the packaging for the iPod, I packed it up and sent it to them, they inspected my old iPod and shipped me a new one. That's pretty good service.

Thursday, July 14, 2005



If this doesn't make a convert out of every Windows users in the universe I don't know what will.

Friday, July 08, 2005


Filesharing, Jeff Tweedy style

Go watch this video.

Most insightful thing I've heard about sharing/stealing music online yet.

"Music doesn't really exist until someone listens to it" - Jeff Tweedy


You're Floating in Blogspace. Post Somthing!

I am sliding off the face of the internet. Again.
I do not seem to have the time to devote to my dearly beloved 'Infusion that I once had... alas.

Anyway - I will tell you all about a humungous car show that's happening this weekend here in Moncton called the "Atlantic Nationals". This car show is the best part about living in Moncton. (next to Morgan, of course) Morgan and I have been going for the past two years, and I'd say it's about doubled in size since we first went.

On Friday night they shut Main Street down and fill it up with cars (parked) and motorcycles (some parked, some not) and people and music and food... phew! What a great time!

A few of my favourites that I'll be looking for again this year:
(Is it hard to tell where my interests lie when it comes to old cars?)
I'll report back later on as to how the show goes, but right now it looks like there's going to be great weather and lots of fun events all weekend.