Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Friends Don't Let Friends Watch CNN (or F.U.W.B.)

On July 9th CNN aired a (live) interview with Michael Moore about his new movie, "Sicko", which I would love to see. I think this is a great topic, and it's something that the US should be completely ashamed of, and I hope that exposing the atrocities of their 'system' will help steer this country away from that style of health care delivery.

BUT, the real issue on display here is what a TERRIBLE job CNN does of actually reporting the truth.

They ran this stupid trash piece before the interview with Moore, saying he 'fudged facts' and basically accused Moore of misleading people. Of course Moore immediately points out how CNN has a number of programs funded by pharmaceutical companies and for-profit health care providers, and CNN is protecting its advertisers by trying to wash the movie with the "liar liar" brush.

So Moore basically forces Blitzer to say that if there was anything wrong with their little trash piece, they'd fix it on the air. And so Moore posts a piece on his website clearly explaining the numerous ways that CNN's "protect the sugar daddies" piece by Gupta was completely wrong, and possibly libelous.

Anyway, the point of reporting is not to just say whatever the hell you want and then fix it later if somebody does the research /for/ /you/ and calls bullshit and makes a fool of you in public. That's just completely terrible, and I would hope that if this were the CBC those guys would get fired for pulling shit like this. But you see, on CNN it's expected, and they do it ALL THE TIME! ON PURPOSE! WTF?!

And don't even get me started on that arsehole Lou Dobbs's comment about how 'left-wing' Moore is at the end. (For the record, his wikipedia page says he once worked on anti-poverty programs in Boston, which sounds a little 'left-wing' to me.) Seriously, who really gives a shit which political 'wing' this is on!!!

Newsflash for the news anchor:
Perhaps only a rich economist could be this cold....

Anyway, here's your links:
Moore's Interview
Moore's Rebuttal

PS - the interview is awesome! (So try to watch the whole thing)

I'm going to watch this soon. But in the meantime, could you do something about that video that starts up every time I come to your page? I get really scared every time my computer says "AND NOW....IGGY POP"

Sorry Morg. It's not doing that here on any of my myriad of browsers. I did some fixing - hopefully it's better...
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