Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Surfin' Safari (slowly)

A number of folks around me have been complaining about Safari lately. There are a number of things wrong with Safari, and I think even Apple would happily admit them.

They have a new version coming out with Leopard in the fall and I imagine they're quite happy to make you wait until then to get any relief. They just don't decouple Safari from the OS it ships with. (As in, you probably won't be able to use the new version of Safari with Tiger, just as you can't use Tiger's version with Panther)

There are a pile of things you can do to help Safari run a little faster, and I'll try to detail a few of them below in the hopes that you'll get some mileage from them and be happier using your computer. Also, there are some really great alternatives to using Safari (which may or may not have your favourite Safari features) which I'll try to detail as well. Finding a browser that really and truly suits your personal needs is hard and painful and I want it to be as easy as it can be.

First of all, there are some easy things you can and should try:

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