Wednesday, May 23, 2007


The Monkeysphere

Folks, I'd like to present to you, a fantastic article on the subject of why human society works the way it does, and why overall it's pretty crappy.

The first page is interesting (and funny) but mostly it's a setup for the second page which is totally rad (and hilarious).

My favourite part:
" Then, some time in the Third Century, French philosopher Pierre "Frenchy" LaFrench invented racism. This was a way of simplifying the too-complex-for-monkeys world by imagining all people of a certain race as being the same person, thinking they all have the same attitudes and mannerisms and tastes in food and clothes and music. It sort of works, as long as we think of that person as being a good person (those Asians are so hard-working and precise and well-mannered!) but when we start seeing them as being one, giant, gaping asshole (the French, ironically) our monkey happiness again breaks down."

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