Tuesday, September 19, 2006


As Thin As A Photograph

Strange things abrew in the world today... a liberal government in Lord country, a military coup in Thailand, and now this - digital subject 'slimming' in HP cameras?!

Here's a couple of links to help illustrate what I'm talking about.

I know this is going to strike a nerve in some of you out there (Morgan! Dan! Get ready to light up that comment board), but in the interest of getting my opinion out ahead of the herd, I'd just like to say I think this is totally sick. I mean, sure it isn't anything you can't do with a decent pixel editor and some know-how, but to make it AUTOMATIC and to put it into consumer cameras? Totally icky indeed.

With the seeming revival of the 'consumerist' culture (which I most closely associate with the '80s), as evidenced by the mere existence of some types of art/artists/douche-bags, perhaps this is an inevitable occurance - that we will come to define our sense of self worth solely from out appearance, and thus, our percieved appearance becomes more important than the actual physical reality of our appearance?

Again - this seems rather strange to me. Please weigh in.

There are so many ways to look at this and so I will choose one, maybe not so obvious.

In the newspaper editorial section there has been an ongoing discussion about people who are obese and try to blame it on something/someone else. The discussion is between people who are trying to lose weight (but can't) and people who have lost it and hate when the others use excuse after excuse.

I thought maybe this can be looked at as just another excuse. Just another way we can lie to ourselves about who we are, what we look like and what we are "worth." It is unfortunate that there are those out there who would rather use an effect to look "slimmer" in pictures instead of just working on it in "REAL LIFE." Real life is becoming less and less definable these days.

The obvious response to this post would be to go on and on (again about fake life) about celebrity obsession and anorexia but I would get a little too deep if I went there. As they say, "it is good to follow the rule of holes; if you are in one, stop digging." Does that apply here? Am I overthinking this? Is overthinking all one word? I need sleep.
I can definitely get behind Morgan's "excuse" idea. I guess it's sort of where I was headed with the whole "our percieved appearance becomes more important than our real appearance" thing?

I think Rob may be on to something with his de-pimple-er. Do you suppose that regular red-eye technology could be adapted for this?
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