Monday, July 31, 2006


Sonic Banner!

I just want to take a minute, now that it's up, to bring everyone's attention to the amazing new banner graphic I put up a while ago. As I mentioned before, it came as a present from the most lovely lady of them all, and now rests atop the Sonic Infusion site, firmly implanted into it's html.

I couldn't have produced a decent banner graphic if there were 100 new iMacs in it for me. But beyond that, I think we (me, society in general, probably you) take design for granted far too often and then, when acknowledging it's importance, cheapen it with 'competitions' (etc) and expect this work to be done for free.

Though I didn't pay for the graphic above, I hope I can repay my lady fair in little ways on an ongoing basis for both the support she gives me and the graphics work she manages to squeeze in for me as well (I'm building her a backup server!?).

Perhaps semi-publicly thanking her can be one of those ways.

Thanks baby!


Jo-ellll! I'm making you a new one as soon as I have some more time and a better idea.

I'm glad you like it though. It's funny you should post this with a link to my new blog because I just posted about design principles...hahahaha.
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