Thursday, July 20, 2006


Neat Idea!

Yahoo! Music announced that they'll be selling personalized versions of a Jessica Simpson song called "A Public Affair". You go to the site, and if your name is on the list, you can buy a version of the song using your name in the chorus. Cool idea, I think.

I think it kind of shows how little creativity the 'artist' must have used to create the song - or at least how little control they have over their own music after they've created it and put it into the hands of the record company. Could you imagine David Crosby or Paul Simon or one of those old dudes selling their materpiece away with altered words? Not likely.

Still it's a good gimmick. One more example of how the internet and digital media are really reshaping how we access the market, and in this case how the market accesses us.

And for ONCE they're doing this in an accessible way! The download is an MP3! Unrestricted! No DRM! Good on you, Yahoo!! If only they would make their site work on something other than IE!!!

Hey, I like that my name is there. And just for that, I might download the song. I'm sure it won't exactly be in "heavy rotation" in my library but neither is the Captain Morgan Song and I still have that.
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