Monday, May 15, 2006


Save The Internet

In the US, the giant telcos are trying to make the internet into their own private networks. Which is both sucky and stupid.

PLEASE check out - read their literature (esp. this FAQ) and watch some videos (The Ask-A-Ninja one is especially humourous).

Make no mistake - Net Neutrality WILL be an issue in Canada. To be honest I imagine the telcos/cabcos are doing the kind of 'packet/traffic shaping' that makes this an issue already.

I'll be adding a button to the sidebar for these guys soon.

Roger's is already blocking most ports. I have a friend who works as a network admin. His boss called up Rogers and had to threaten pulling all his contracts with Rogers to get a straight answer on why they are doing this. "To save network bandwidth so everyone can experience high-speed internet." Bullox. Much software, with legitimate purposes, use ports that Roger's refuses to allow it's customers access.

Here's an example that likely touches many people. The game World of Warcraft (which I don't play) has a software add-on that allows voice communication. Anyone interested in this game wants high-speed internet to fully enjoy the gaming experience. Voice communication makes it even more enjoyable but if you pay Roger's $50/month for strictly internet access, you don't get that. Not allowed.

Here's another. I like Open Office but the file is a huge download. The http server is slow. There is a fast bit torrent file I can get but Roger's won't allow me access to it.

I hate many things. One of the biggest recipients of my hate is the major telecomm corporations.
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