Friday, June 03, 2005


This is getting a little ridiculous...

Microsoft Longhorn in 2006? Well, maybe

Apple will be shipping Lion (or whatever else it will be called) by then and probably be working on Sabre-Tooth (or whatever THAT will be called)

Not that I really think Microsoft NEEDS to release a new OS - what they have is fine; I won't be upgrading my Mac OS for quite a while either, I don't imagine... I'm really happy with Panther - but to promise a new OS in 2004 and have it ship in 2007? (I know, I know, it is possibly an unsubstantiated report but still)

Rightfully, I/we expect more from the world's largest maker of software.

Apple has announced that their new OS will be released late 2006, and will be called Leopard, not Lion as I had speculated. Maybe they don't feel their first Intel+PowerPC OS will really be deserving of the "King Of The Jungle" stigma. There has been speculation that the following OS will be called "Ocelot"

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