Friday, May 20, 2005
Eastern Alienation?
I was just reading some of the letters sent in to the CBC regarding the recent budget bills, and their resulting confidance motions, and the passing of those bills. Our government has been rolled around a lot lately, and though I don't want to talk about which side I agree with more here, (though I may talk someday about who I think the 'winner' is) I was disgusted to read the following comment: (link to source document)
Actually no, I am going to comment but I will pick my criticisms carefully, so be forewarned that I'm holding back. As ever, feel free to draw your own conclusions.
In closing though, I'd like to say that I think this type of immature ranting is excatly what 'people out east' dislike about what's going on in politics in the country, and is exactly why the conservative/bloq push this week came up short - Mr. Maxwell, and most of the house of commons, are acting like babies about this topic - and it serves no one.
I cannot believe the stupidity of this government and the ridiculous Eastern Canadians who are keeping them in power.I don't even really want to comment. I'm too upset. I can't believe that people (anyone - even lunatics like this guy)
When a government takes 60% of your money away in taxes and then uses that money to line their own pockets you would think that most intelligent people would be mad and angry and vote the party out of office.
I guess this is not true for the people of Eastern Canada. It's starting to look more and more attractive for Alberta to separate and let Eastern Canada pay its own bills.
Eastern Canadians can live off the labour of Albertans for a while but it's going to be a shock when we separate and there is no more money left to pay for your welfare cheques.
It seems that all my taxes are going to support Nova Scotian drunks or corrupt Liberal politicians and their friends. Either Alberta separates or I'm moving to the States.
Brian Maxwell
Actually no, I am going to comment but I will pick my criticisms carefully, so be forewarned that I'm holding back. As ever, feel free to draw your own conclusions.
- NO ONE IN THIS COUNTRY IS TAXED AT 60%. In fact, it has come up twice in the last few months, so I know the exact figure. Anyone who makes $113,000/year or more pays 29% income tax before deductions (ie: most people in this tax bracket pay much less). Without going into how I feel about our tax system, that's what it is and that's the way it will be for a long time. I'm sick and tired of people complaining about high tax rates when a)most of what they have in their life they OWE to the tax money others spent on them (free elementary and secondary education anyone? Massively subsidized post-secondary education? Do I even need to go on?) b)most people group in with what they call 'taxes' their pension contributions (which they get to keep) and their EI premiums (which is really also their own money forever and ever) and their Health Insurance premiums (which are tiny, and are also theirs to keep and use as they wish - most people use much more than they pay into this system at many different times in their life) which are PRIVATE and have nothing to do with the government, and RRSP/RESP contributions or some other savings program, which is also their money to keep and has nothing to do with the government. Yes I understand that this money is deducted from their paycheck and gone, but considering, a much smaller amount of money goes to taxes then many people understand properly.
- He's grouping people from Ontario and Quebec in with Eastern Canadians, which I don't think is fair - not because I don't like people from Ontario and Quebec, but because they have drastically different needs from the people who truly live in the east.
- The 'people' of eastern Canada` (I'll use a back-tick to represent his version of 'eastern Canada') didn't have a lot to say about this issue directly - we, as a country, cast our ballots and made our decisions about a year ago, and elected a parliment to look after issues like this for us, so we don't have to vote on every tiny, minute, pedantic detail assosciated with running the country. WE DON'T WANT TO! That's why we hire politicians to do the work for us. And your politician voted as he though he should. If you have an issue with the vote, you really only have MPs to blame, not 'the people'. And in the world of MPs, this guy's voice is really only as strong as his MPs alignment with his ideas ( ie: his only voice in parliment is his MP, so if he can't convince his MP of his viewpoint, his MP won't be representing his view in the house).
- While Mr. Maxwell believes the rest of the country is living 'off the labour of Albertans', I would suggest he take a look at the number of Albertans employed in Alberta, vs the number of people who work in Alberta but are, in actual fact, not from Alberta (ie: they still consider that they 'live' in their home province and will move there again when they can). If I had to guess I'd say that there are nearly as many 'foreigners' labouring away in Alberta as their are Albertans. I would guess, that Alberta's wealth is largely dependant on the labour of hard working people from all across the country. Maybe if Alberta weren't drawing all the skilled labour out of the rest of the country it (we) would be able to 'pay its own bills'.
In closing though, I'd like to say that I think this type of immature ranting is excatly what 'people out east' dislike about what's going on in politics in the country, and is exactly why the conservative/bloq push this week came up short - Mr. Maxwell, and most of the house of commons, are acting like babies about this topic - and it serves no one.
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It is quite clear that Mr. Maxwell is an ignorant and ridiculously stupid SOB. In the first place, his e-mail to the CBC is absolutly devoid of any real content. As you rightly point out, no one is taxed at 60%. Secondly, the majority of the wealth shared with the maritimes actually comes from Ontario (the biggest tax source of the country) and not Alberta. I really don't think, but I would have to look at teh exact numbers, that we will be really all that 'shocked' if Alberta Leaves. Which I don't think it is a real threat right now anyway.
Besides Mr. Maxwell has no understanding of what a country or a 'nation' (as a continuing project with a past, which might give rise to certain obligations, and a future to consider) is. The current wealth of Albertans owes its existence to the opening up of the west by Eastern Canadians and there wealth. (Coal for the Steam powered engines anybody? Steel for the railroads ?)*
And, down the line, oil might no longer be the main force of the global economy, and the transfers of funds might start to flow the other way.
And of course all Mr. Maxwell's taxes do not got to pay the welfare checks of drunken Nova Scotians, how many of these people do you know? But rather pay for healthcare, education, and now Daycare? etc.
The unfortunate thing, is that the opinions expressed by Mr. Maxwell are probably more common than we would like to think.
My quick two cents.
* Indeed it is interesting to note that some of the 'east's wealth' Here I am thinking of Ontario. Actually helps pay the bills of those in the west. Our heavily subsidised farming industry (Alberta cattle?) requires a movement of income tax dollars from east to west. The sharing of wealth goes both ways. Just in different sectors of the political economy.
Besides Mr. Maxwell has no understanding of what a country or a 'nation' (as a continuing project with a past, which might give rise to certain obligations, and a future to consider) is. The current wealth of Albertans owes its existence to the opening up of the west by Eastern Canadians and there wealth. (Coal for the Steam powered engines anybody? Steel for the railroads ?)*
And, down the line, oil might no longer be the main force of the global economy, and the transfers of funds might start to flow the other way.
And of course all Mr. Maxwell's taxes do not got to pay the welfare checks of drunken Nova Scotians, how many of these people do you know? But rather pay for healthcare, education, and now Daycare? etc.
The unfortunate thing, is that the opinions expressed by Mr. Maxwell are probably more common than we would like to think.
My quick two cents.
* Indeed it is interesting to note that some of the 'east's wealth' Here I am thinking of Ontario. Actually helps pay the bills of those in the west. Our heavily subsidised farming industry (Alberta cattle?) requires a movement of income tax dollars from east to west. The sharing of wealth goes both ways. Just in different sectors of the political economy.
JD, I think you should give a post where you really let go... just let it all out. I'll read it, I promise.
It is comments and opinions like this that made made me notorious throughout MTA over the past year. I have been labled an Atlantic Nationalist and Canada hater. I am not. I, like you Joel, get ill when I read and hear these types of opinions.
In addition to what Dan has said it is also important to note that the oil money Alberta enjoys comes from similar off-shore oil deals NS and NFLD. I can't remember the date, I was to say '53 but I really think that it was in the late '40s.
I generally follow grants to Ontario and Quebec so I'll have to double check but I'm pretty sure the beef industry in Alberta has received more federal support than did the coal and steel industries that collapsed in Atlantic Canada in the 1920s 30s and 40s.
People get wrapped up in Equalization debates and forget all of the other transfers, such as the CHT that sends more money to Alberta than any Atlantic Province.
In addition to what Dan has said it is also important to note that the oil money Alberta enjoys comes from similar off-shore oil deals NS and NFLD. I can't remember the date, I was to say '53 but I really think that it was in the late '40s.
I generally follow grants to Ontario and Quebec so I'll have to double check but I'm pretty sure the beef industry in Alberta has received more federal support than did the coal and steel industries that collapsed in Atlantic Canada in the 1920s 30s and 40s.
People get wrapped up in Equalization debates and forget all of the other transfers, such as the CHT that sends more money to Alberta than any Atlantic Province.
As usual, I am not leaving an intelligent comment, just one that sums it up fine...
To Wanker McWanker Maxwell I say:
Well, hey, move to the states then, please. PLEASE. Our country certainly doesn't need any babies like you.
Really! When I worked at Wal-Mart and had mean customers, I loved when they said "I'm never shopping here again!!" because I would sigh a deep sigh of relief. Phew - I never have to deal with you again. Let the other stores do it.
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To Wanker McWanker Maxwell I say:
Well, hey, move to the states then, please. PLEASE. Our country certainly doesn't need any babies like you.
Really! When I worked at Wal-Mart and had mean customers, I loved when they said "I'm never shopping here again!!" because I would sigh a deep sigh of relief. Phew - I never have to deal with you again. Let the other stores do it.
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