Tuesday, January 04, 2005


Getting Good Ratings and Making Resolutions

Hello everyone!

Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!

I'm glad we all made it through the holidays and back to our respective desks in our respective towns safely. And happily. And Merri-ly?

Just two quick things to speak on this afternoon:

First off, as le premier post of the new year, I thought I'd share one of my resolutions with you all. And it goes, a little something, like this:
"This year I would like to write more. Music, poetry, maybe some prose, maybe even some screen stuff - but I want to write more. It's the type of creativity I feel best at (by which I mean I feel as though I have had success in the past) and it's also the type of have been doing the least. "

Not bad eh?

Also, I wanted all my faithful followers out there to know that despite the many many ways in which the words "Sonic Infusion" have been used together, this very blog is sitting at a comfortable 23 in the results list for a Google for those very words.

Not bad again.

Enjoy the hockey tonight!

I didn't notice this before but a google for the term "sonicinfusion" (both words together) actually places this blog as the *FIRST* hit! Amazing!

I've changed my link to you from "Joel!" to "Sonic Infusion" I think that's how google decides how to rank. I get well over 10 hits a day to my site, so I'm sure I can tip the mighty Google's scales on a whim.

Thanks for the help Rob.
Glad to have to back in the interweb world after the Christmas break.
Maybe I'm missing something, but why would someone search for 'sonicinfusion' ? I mean, I could be the #1 hit for 'Mesopotamian chartered accountants', but it's not clear to me who (besides me) would search for it.

ah James, always the voice of reason.

Maybe you should do a search for fancypantsknowitallwhocan'tkeephismouthshutandenjoythemomentforonce.

so there.

(just kidding dude. I know that no one will every search for "sonicinfusion" EXCEPT people looking for this site - which is the reason I thought it would be helpful to rate high on google in the first place. The "sonicinfusion" part is easy, but people seem to have problems remembering web addresses if they don't start with "www." and end with ".com", so it might be tough for folks to remember the full address here. It can't help to score higher.)
Every so often I go on a google-ing spree wher I google all sorts of things for no real reason. I know I'm a loser, you don't need to tell ME that, BUT did you know that if you search my name and your name together, there is a link that comes up? Come on, I dare you...uh, I think it's still there... anyway. I just checked and I don't remember how it is or if it is. The Hanni project is all that came up. But before there was the list for presenters when we took that special topics comp sci class together. I thought it was funny anyway..
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